martes, 8 de abril de 2014


In this new post that I am going to do is about Slovenia, a travel that I am going to do with the school at the end of this month.

The capital of Slovenia is Ljubljana, it is a small and historical city where we are going to live for one week.
We are going to spend that week in a house living with a Slovenian family, that we have already known so we aren't too nervious.

We have only a week to see as much places as we can, we are going to visit the most important momument and try the typical dishes of there.
Also we are going to visit an adrenaline park where we can enjoy some attractions.

The weather there is cool, but they have slower temperatures than here so we must take some Winter clothes.
There are only two weeks to go and all of slovenian really want to see us because we get on very well with them.


Este nuevo post que voy a hacer es sobre Eslovenia, un viaje que voy a hacer con el colegio al final de este mes.

La capital de Eslovenia es Liubliana, histórica y pequeña ciudad donde vamos a vivir durante una semana.
Vamos a pasar una semana en una casa viviendo con una familia eslovena, que ya conocemos por lo que no estamos tan nerviosos.

Solo tenemos una semana para ver tantos sitios como podamos, vamos a visitar los monumentos mas importantes y probar la comida típica de allí.
También, vamos a visitar un parque de la adrenalina donde podemos disfrutar de las atracciones.

El tiempo allí es bueno, pero sus temperaturas son inferiores a las nuestras por lo que tendremos que llevarnos algunas prendas de invierno.
Solo faltan dos semanas para irnos y los eslovenos están deseando de vernos porque tuvimos muy buena relación con todos ellos.

1 comentario:

  1. Good, Almudena. I miss some links to tourist information on the place and a map to aid location. This post will well serve as basis for your future POWER POINT PRESENTATION!!!
