jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013


El bullying se da en el colegio cuando a alguien le persiguen, pegan o intimidan.

Mobbing ocurre en el lugar de trabajo, originando una violencia psicológica extrema, con la finalidad de que esa persona o personas acaben abandonando el lugar de trabajo.

Battering ocurre cuando una persona es maltratada y herida gravemente por un miembro de su familia o pareja.

El concepto común de estas tres palabras es el maltrato en diferentes ámbitos sociales.



Bullying occurs in school when someone is pursued, hit or intimidated.

Mobbing occurs in workplace causing an extreme psychological violence, in order that the person finally leave the workplace.

Battering occurs when a person is a person is struck and injured by a member of his family or his partner.

The common concept of this three words is the maltreatment in diferents situations of the life.



11 comentarios:

  1. Top important...there must be a piece of news per notion/concept plus an image!!!!Add highlighting devices!!!

  2. para mi gusto le faltarían quizás unas imágenes para alegrar un poco el texto

  3. I think you should put some photos

  4. Hi Almudena! Your blog is nice and the colours too. However, I think that you should put some photos and also you can separate the paragrahps, it could animate your spot:)

  5. Almu is good but I think that you must put some photos and a video! Your blog is very colorful, I like!!!:)

  6. Hello almudena your post is good but in my opinion i think that put some photos, videos, and more colours

  7. Almu put some videos or photos will change the apareance of your blog

  8. I like a lot the colors of your blog and lyrics, because they highlight the message, this very well but put a photo in the blog

  9. you could put some photos , but is good

  10. hi almudena , i like your blog it´s very colourful but in your last post you can would be better if you include some photos or videos

  11. Hi Almudena! Your posts are interesting, but you could separate the text in paragraphs to do it more atractive!
